Sunday, March 9, 2008

Criticisms of the Time Square Bombing

So it really bothers me that a lot of the criticism I have heard about the Time Square Bombing have been "oh it benefits the State more because the media gets to smear leftists/anarchists now, as a result and public opinion will be against us."

Um, since when has media and public opinion been "pro-anarchist"?

Like, honestly since when has it been a primary concern to impress the media? No matter how 'peaceful' (which has some how come around to mean docility) we are, the media will ALWAYS keep the image of anarchist being "terrorists" because thats whats benefiting to the state.

And as far as this particular action is concerned, the recruiting station was shut down for a day, that is time and money, the recruiting station has lost. So that, is not benefiting the state.

I support making criticisms of this action via safety of others or whatever, crticism is always good and constructive, but to say "oh the media won't like us, booo on direct action" is bullshit.