Tuesday, August 7, 2007

i'm so excited

so the only thing i can think of is my fuckin move to Illinois. Today i was at Vanessa's and I realized how much I'ma miss her and wondered how i dealt wit being on long island without this girl.
There's an animal rights potluck at the park on Thursday. I am debating going. One part I do want to go to netwrok and have fun and be all vegan and animal rights-y. On the other hand. I could risk just sulking in a corner for an hour cause I don't really get along with the long island activist scene kids. at least the ones I met. and maybe there will be some rad ones there. so i don't know...
Going to see some kids from Brooklyn tommorow for Mariah's Court Support. Happy about that.

I miss the boy. But I am trying to think of other things to get my mind off of it. It won't work, it won't work, it wont, it won't, it won't!

I could burst with excitement about moving. and I'm sure everyone is sck of listening to me ramble about it. But I'm going to miss so many things, so many people. I hope things don't change.