Saturday, September 27, 2008


oh yeah I have a radio show now. I play punk songs, and deliver radical news that catches my eye that week. check it out by going here
and clicking the off-campus listening link. i'm on tuesdays at 2:30-4:00 pm mid west time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Native Groups Protest Land-Selling (um stealing) Law

From Inter Press Service News Agency

Native Groups Protest Laws Facilitating Sales of Land

Milagros Salazar

LIMA, Aug 19 (IPS) - Defending the state of emergency declared in three provinces in Peru to crack down on protests by indigenous communities against a law facilitating the sale of their community-owned lands, Prime Minister Jorge del Castillo said the government was safeguarding "the rights of the great majority of Peruvians."

Since Aug. 9, indigenous demonstrators have been demanding the repeal of two decree laws that promote private investment in their territory, and the reestablishment of a clause from the 1979 constitution -- which was replaced by the new constitution in 1993 -- which stated that communally owned land in indigenous territory could not be sold or embargoed.

They are also demanding that the government and Peruvian legislation comply with International Labour Organisation (ILO) convention 169 (which was ratified by Peru), that makes it obligatory to consult with indigenous communities prior to any project or works undertaken in their territory.

Over the past 10 days, protesters in several provinces have blocked roads and oil and gas installations and reportedly took police officers hostage.

The 30 day state of emergency declared Monday in parts of the northern Amazon jungle provinces of Amazonas and Loreto and in Cusco in the south bans public gatherings and suspends free transit. In addition, the army can be sent in to break up protests.

In a late Monday press conference, Prime Minister del Castillo responded to criticism of the decision to declare a state of emergency. "We are not provoking native communities but safeguarding areas that are of strategic importance for the country," he said, referring to a gas pipeline in northern Peru and the Camisea gas project.

After talks between the administration of Alan García and protesters stalled on Friday, the government announced that it would not engage in dialogue again until the protests were called off. But native leaders said Monday that the demonstrations would continue.

"The government has declared open war on indigenous people and the demonstrators will stay there until the problem is solved. They prefer to die there, they aren’t afraid," said the president of the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), Alberto Pizango, accompanied by several "apus", or indigenous chiefs.

Environment Minister Antonio Brack alleged that the indigenous protesters were being manipulated by an "international movement" that he said is inciting Aguaruna Indians in Peru and Ecuador to try to form their own independent territory.

"They are being stage-managed by a group of lawyers who are deliberately misinforming them," said Brack, who was sent to Loreto for talks with native leaders on Friday, but failed to secure results.

Pizango said his association is urging Congress to revoke the decree laws that were approved by the executive branch under special powers granted by the legislature for the implementation of the free trade agreement signed with the United States.

Under one of the decrees, a mechanism created in the 1990s, which allowed indigenous communities to sell or lease collectively-owned land to third parties if approved by two-thirds of the members of a community assembly, was modified to permit sales with the votes of just 50 percent plus one of the assembly members.

Roger Nájar, the new chairman of the parliamentary committee on Andean and Amazon peoples and the environment, told IPS that on Tuesday, in the first session of the new legislature, lawmakers would study two draft laws aimed at overruling the decrees in question.

"We want to provide a solution to the fair demands of these communities, because the government continues to act arrogantly, without any ability to dialogue," said the legislator.

Nájar said he had received no response to two letters he sent to the Council of Ministers asking that the indigenous peoples’ demands be addressed.

Pizango, meanwhile, said that if Congress showed a willingness to take up the issue, the groups would study the possibility of calling off the protests.

On Sunday, an Aguaruna Indian and a police officer were seriously injured in clashes between protesters and the police at the Aramango Hydroelectric Plant in the province of Amazonas, according to the local La República correspondent. Other press reports mentioned 12 people injured -- eight police officers and four demonstrators.

"The underlying problem is that the government is attempting to portray indigenous people as just another group of poor people, without admitting that they have a different way of life, a different cultural viewpoint," anthropologist Oscar Espinosa at the Pontificia Catholic University of Peru told IPS.

"The authorities think they can calm the demands of indigenous people by building schools or medical clinics, but the pending debt to the indigenous population is much more complex than that," he added.

"They should not be seen as inferior because of their attempt to block the influx of private investment into their territories," said Espinosa. "The problem is that Peru has a hard time seeing cultural differences as something positive, as part of the country’s wealth. Peruvian society sees them instead as an obstacle."

Vice President Luis Giampietri argued that "some non-governmental organisations that are active in these issues are inciting people to do these kinds of things, which in the end are subversive activities, because they are undermining the foundations of democracy.

"How have they achieved the miracle of being able to bring together, in one place at the same time, communities so widely dispersed as the jungle peoples? That will have to be investigated," said Giampietri.

But the protests did not come out of nowhere. Indigenous communities have repeatedly expressed their opposition to the two decree laws.

And while the two decrees are the main irritant, indigenous associations have a list of 38 laws and provisions that they would like to see repealed on the argument that they undermine indigenous rights.

"Peru, which in past decades (in the 1970s) was in the vanguard with respect to indigenous issues, is now in last place on the list," said Espinosa.

In the professor’s view, the country has been backsliding on the question of indigenous rights, to the point that there isn’t even a specific law on the issue, only one 1978 provision on native communities that should incorporate, for example, the latest international instruments safeguarding indigenous peoples’ rights.

Nor is there any strong state institution that represents them, he added.

The National Institute for the Development of Andean, Amazon and Afro-Peruvian Peoples (INDEPA), which would normally be in charge of indigenous affairs, has been partially dismantled and is still in the midst of a process of "reorganisation" by the government, two years into García’s term.

"These protests might end in dialogue, but the problem will continue, because there are no government policies that value and respect indigenous people," said Espinosa.

The government ordered military overflights of the protest zones and deployed some 1,500 army troops to Bagua. (END/2008)

And another article on BBC

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Protest the DNC?

Denver Spends 50 Million (of tax money) on DNC

Instead of that money going to social services to better the Denver community.
Instead of fighting against the free trade economic system that is economically and ecologically NOT sustainble, energy is wasted on a candidate that supports this very system.
Instead of fighting against xenophobia and racism, 'equality and progress' is seen as voting for a candidate that supports building a 700 mile long wall between the US and Mexico (and the has the audacity to ask for the Latino vote).

Because "compromise" means hierarchally determining who's rights we should sacrifice, and who should assimilate into the racistheterosexistcapitalistpatriarchy
Because liberation is far from happening when millions of people CAN'T vote
Because I refuse to accept any leader, especially one endorsed by prison guards (New York City’s Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association)
Because I stand in solidarity with people in New Orleans and oppose 'reform plans' that involve police expansions
Because we are smarter than that, and know that the current system in place will not bring real sustainable change
Because we won't be duped into supporting the state that oppresses us.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ex-Cop Kills Himself While trying to Shoot a Turtle

“From the upward trajectory of the bullet, it doesn't appear that this
was anything other than a truly sad accident,” said Bucks County Coroner
Joseph Campbell. “It looks like he was trying to shoot at the turtle,
when he slipped on some logs and accidentally shot himself in the chest.”

heee heee hee.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hipsters Suck, BUT I/You Do Too.

Cool article about why hipsters are the dead end of western civilization
agreed, they pretty much are a bunch of white rich kid cultural appropriators whose entire subculture is founded on consumerism and some industry produced idea of cool.

BUT, disagree with the authors glamourizing of punk and hip-hop. both have prettty political origins, and I fucking insist, no matter what any bullshit punk-rock royalty warped tour asshole says, (ahem Nekromantix, lower class brats, etc *cough*) that punk IS political in origin and at heart. like the very act of reclaiming music as something you can do yourself and with your friends and not just rockstar corporate major label crap IS political. Pride in working class is political, there is a side being taken. that's not to say that every punk song's gotta be about politics or everyone's gotta believe the same shit, but like the ideals of being against authority, doing shit yourself, being proud and rejecting (not assimilating into ) mainstream crap , in itself is political.
anyway, got off on a tangent....lik yeah pre-hipster youth cultures have existed as a way to rebel against the mainstream. BUT both punk and hip hop, like hipster [suedo culture, have become mass produced and stand for fucking nothing nowadays.

like the author can't tell me the self-identified punk at hot topic that paid 30 dollars for a studded belt is resisting consumerism. or that G-unit is a way of suverting the dominant paradigim.
nowadays, punk and hip hop by and large are not political, so why does the end of western civilization end with hipsters?

I think 'the end' started as far back as Elvis and Hippies and also ends with Warped Tour and Hot 97.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Apparently, if you shoo bears away, that means you are harrassing hunters

In a decision released today, the Appellate Division affirmed prior
rulings in Vernon Municipal Court and Superior Court in Newton that the
activists, Angela Metler, Albert Kazemian and Janet Piszar, had harassed
, one of whom was an undercover police officer, by encircling
them and hooting and hollering to keep bears away.

The appeal argued their conduct did not constitute physical interference
with hunting and was free speech; that a defense of entrapment was
improperly barred in municipal court; and that the officer and hunters
should not have been viewed by the court as credible witnesses due to
their pro-hunting views. A three-judge appellate panel affirmed the

The incident occurred in Wawayanda State Park in Vernon on Dec. 7, 2005,
when an undercover state park police officer was in the woods with two
hunters. There, they encountered five activists; Metler, Kazemian,
Piszar and Theresa Fritzges, and another unidentified woman who got away.

The activists were found guilty in Vernon Municipal Court in 2006 of
disorderly-persons offenses.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

NYPD Pigs Beat up Political Rappers from Rebel Diaz

Early this Wednesday (6/18/08) Rodstarz and G1 of the group REBEL DIAZ were up in Bronx on Southern Blvd in Hunts Point, when they noticed the police were harassing a street vendor who was selling fruit. The two went over to witness the cops in action and when they saw the police being abusive they pulled out a cell phone to video tape the incident and asked for the officers badge numbers. Subsequently they were beaten, detained and taken to 41st Precint in the Bronx under the direction of Captain McHugh.

Rodstarz and G1 will be going to criminal court Thursday (6/19/08) and are being charged with obstruction of justice and assault.
Be there in front of Bronx Criminal Court 9AM
215 East 161st. Street Between Sheridan & Sherman Ave, East of the Grand Concourse. Take the 4, B, D to 161st Street Yankee Stadium Station.
See You There, Support Our Brothers!

Please call the 41st precinct 718-542-4771 or arresting Officer MacHugo @ 718-542-8745 to demand:
1. Drop All Charges
2. Release Rebel Diaz!

For more information contact La Peña del Bronx at the
following: e-mail:


Friday, May 23, 2008

Wow, well you sure got a lot of nerve.

So I got this email from an address i didn't recognize...which was really weird because i am NOT on the Chris McIntosh support list nor do I correspond or support him any longer.
Anyway, I don't want to support his cause by re-posting, however I feel that this shouldn't be tossed under the rug, especially if some people are convinced by this letter. I'd also like to add that this letter is not in response to something I have was just mailed to me and from the list of addresses, it seems it was also mailed to Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
So this is the letter sent to me by what I assume is part of Chris's support:

"This is a hard letter to write as I don't know who I am writing to. I saw a request for support of a young man named Kevin,stating he is in a yard with other men serving 20 years and more. The article said Kevin is scared. Well, he should be. As you know Chris has made some statements that have been very upsetting to your community. You said his support campaign has not made a rebuttal to your decision to withdraw support for him. He has no support campaign.
For anyone who knows Chris, they would know he is not racist or sexist. He is impulsive and does do things and says things he regrets once he has had a cool down period. Interesting to me is that there seems to be no sensitivity for the perils of life in a maximum security prison and what it can do to a person who has no outside support. While Chris was in USP Hazelton, West Virginia 2 inmates where murdered, at least 2 guards were hospitalized all in separate incidents. Most of the tension is based on racism. Having never been in prison myself I can only relate second hand what I have been told. In order to survive, literally, you have to make an alliance with a group. Unfortunately many inmates do that based on skin color. Chris has had to fight more than once to not be physically harmed by people of other races, just because he is not the same color as they maybe.

Imagine if you will, living for extended periods of time in a closed community where you can not make eye contact or show any sign of weakness just to avoid being a target. Imagine doing that time for a cause or group of people who are quick to forget you and leave you alone to face the demons of loneliness and fear.
In your statement to withdraw support for Chris you referenced his " failed attempt to burn down McDonalds". Failed attempt? Was the purpose of the action to burn down a building or bring attention to a cause? If burning down a building was the purpose, than the attempt was failed, but if attention to the cause was the purpose I disagree with your evaluation of the outcome of his actions. Chris is serving 8 years for a cause he valued enough to put his personal freedom in jeopardy for. I would hope someone in your community would value individuals enough to find out what Chris is thinking and give him support through his time. Chris does need to be reminded that not all the world is racists and kindness and goodness do still exist, he needs someone who will take the time to reeducate and remind him that life in Maximum Security Federal Prison is not how all the world is. Someone who will take the time to look beyond isolated words and examine the overview of him and who he really is. What was going on in his world when those statements where made? What you will find is a caring, sensitive person, loyal to a fault, someone who can be counted on.
Chris is currently staring his 4th month in isolation. He made it one day on the yard in USP Atwater a maximum security facility 3000 miles from his family, and was jumped by a group of men just for being the new guy. He fought back. What would you do?
I don't know what you will do with this e-mail, I would ask you to post it just to give your community an insight into the reality of prison life, the emotional as well as physical pressures that can make anyone of us do and say things we regret. I hope that some few people would care as much about other humans, specifically Chris in this instance, as they do about animals and the Earth and be willing to invest themselves in the well being of another human. His current address is: Christopher McIntosh 30512-013
USP Atwater
US Penitentiary
PO 019001
Atwater, Ca 95301
Thanks! Kathryn McIntosh"
This argument reminds me so much of the argument in support of snitches, "you've never been in that situation, so what would you do?" as a form of excusing fucked up behavior. So no I've never been in prison, I don't know what it's like to detained for a long period of time. But I do know what it's like to be assaulted by someone who's had violent, mind fucking, disturbing things happen to them in their life. And the fact that they've had awful things happen to them, does not (although at the time it did) excuse the actions they took in harming someone else. Especially when there are a lot of people who have gone through traumatizing experiences as well and have chosen not to perpetuate violence. This goes both for snitches and racists. By supporting Chris McIntosh is not only saying but doing racist and sexist things is to turn one's back on women and people of color as a whole (who don't have the privilege of not being attacked by sexism and racism when confronted with it) but it's also a slap in the face to prisoners who are going through the same if no worse conditions than that and are still anti sexist/ anti-racist. Even within the Prison Industrial Complex Chris has white privilege, and has had had activist support, which is much more than many prisoners get.Yes he's a product of his environment and a horrible one at that, but it was still a choice he made, a choice to perpetuate racism, sexism and speciesm, and for that reason he does not have my solidarity.

and yes, I do think it;s justifiable to have more solidarity with the earth and animals, who do not perpetuate oppression instead are often the target of oppression than someone who is actively a part of it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Do you wanna stay in bed all day? Do you remember feeling any other way?

Hey look I'm really sorry
I couldn't make it to your party
I know it looks like I'm gonna cry
Got a to-do list behind my eyes so
Go tell your friends I'm still a feminist
But I won't be coming to your benefit

I give up
I give up

I'll be at home today.
-Le Tigre

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reportback from Bash Back! Convergence

so I went to the Bash Back convergence in Chi-Town this weekend which was rad. So I wanted to holla to the organizers of the conference for making it a welcoming space for activists/ anarchists of all experience levels, as well as a safe space for all of us.
So I feel like I shouldnt be the one writing this because I do not know the Chicago area very well so will probably do a shitty job explaining locations and shit. But i didnt see other reportbacks, and I have all these feelings so yeah.

At 9 pm Saturday anti-assmiliationist queers took the streets from Logan Square to the Chicago Police Department in Boys Town. There were about 100 people at least, with pink and black flags chanting "1,2,3,4 bash down those closet doors, 5,6,7,8 we will not assimilate!" "we're queer, we're here, we're anarchists we'll fuck you up!"
many people joined into the protest, as we protested corporate "gay centers", the chicago police department, and other heteronormative oppressive institutions. the cops did not show up for over an HOUR (thank you Cubs game) . However at that time we had finished our last destination (a corporate owend "gay center in boys town that is corproate sponsered by whole foods and HLS) and then attempted to separate the crowd, by not allowing some of us to cross the street. However we refused to leave until we were all united. We headed towards a train station, followed by the Chicago police department, when they though we were going to split off we transformed from an unpermitted protest to an unpermitted dance party. we danced, laughed and were merry for over an hour until we got tired/ saw cops handing out police batons and bounced.

fucking beautiful, one of the best experiences I have had in a while, in and out of radical spaces.

and on a totally unrelated note I went vegan as of last week as a result of having a nightmare.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

EMERGENCY: Protest on Behalf of Mumia Abu Jamal's LIFE tommorow!

Taken from NYC Independent Media Center
A statement by the Partisan Defense Committee, issued Thursday, March 27, 2008:

“Today the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision upholding Mumia Abu-Jamal’s frame-up conviction. In turning down Mumia’s appeal for a new trial, the Court ordered a new sentencing hearing to decide whether he is again to be sentenced to die or condemned to the living death of life in prison.

The Court’s decision is another slap in the face to all opponents of racist injustice. Recalling the infamous Dred Scott decision, the Court has again declared that a fighter for black freedom like Mumia has no rights that the courts are bound to respect. A former Black Panther Party spokesman, MOVE supporter and renowned journalist, Mumia is an innocent man, framed up for his political beliefs. He should never have spent a day in prison. There must be mass protests, centered on labor’s power, to demand his freedom now.

The PDC and Labor Black Leagues have called protests for tomorrow in different cities. For more information:”


Mumia Abu-Jamal Is an Innocent Man!
Free Mumia Now!
Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!

Friday, March 28
5:00-7:00 p.m.
In front of the Federal Building
Broadway, between Worth & Duane Streets
(4, 5, 6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall, or R, W to City Hall, or 1, 2, 3 to Chambers)

Sponsored by the Partisan Defense Committee and the Labor Black League for Social Defense

For more information, call 212-267-1025 or 212-406-4252

The PDC is a class-struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which champions cases and causes in the interests of the whole of the working people. This purpose is in accordance with the political views of the Spartacist League.
There is immense evidence that Mumia Abu Jamal is innocent, such as a confession by the man who did kill the cop, bullets not matching, and not to mention a rigged trial by an all white jury. Activists of color are always accused/framed of killing cops to further villianize us, and perpetuate the myth that we are "dangerous" and criminal".
Whether you are affiliated with Spartacists or not, come be in solidarity with Mumia

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Indigenous Community Siezes Oil Territory

Bad ass. Achuar people occupy Pluspetrol Territory (big oil company); fighting globalization, imperialism, and enviromental destruction.
Unfortunatley, what was peaceful direct action erupted in police violence, where two people were killed and 12 were injured.
But they fought back.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Does this make you want to throw up too?

"Until three years ago, Benjamin Shute was living in Williamsburg, where he kept Brooklyn Lager in his refrigerator and played darts in a league.
Raised on the Upper East Side by a father who is a foundation executive and a mother who writes about criminal justice, Mr. Shute graduated from Amherst and worked for an antihunger charity. But something nagged at him. To learn about food production, he had volunteered at a farm in Massachusetts. He liked the dirt, the work and the coaxing of land long fallow into producing eggplant and garlic.
He tried growing strawberries on his roof in Brooklyn, but it didn’t scratch his growing itch.
And so last week, Mr. Shute could be found here, elbow-deep in wet compost two hours north of New York City, filling greenhouse trays for onion seeds. Along with a partner, Miriam Latzer, he runs Hearty Roots, a 25-acre organic farm."

oh cool, so now hipsters are taking up farming. the article doesn't say, but i wonder what the effects of this are on non trust-fund baby farmers, you know?
and of course, now they grow organic sheep, chicken and cows, so they can eat meat while feeling "exploitation free", because they have happy non-factory farm cows.
That is, witout analyzing the fact that the farm production of animals itself is exploitive and NOT eco-friendly.
It just feels like another extension of green capitalism that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Hell, hipsters leave a bad taste in my mouth in general. which sucks. because at Knox it's a bunch of more or less middle class mostly white kids, so it feels isolating if you dont fit the above description, as well as being a bubble where we do not have to confront these issues. and activism is often limited to within campus. but in the city, there has been such a change since i was 15, i can recall. Like i would go to abc no rio or something and everyone would be form the area. now it's like "i'm here from a summer program at Barnard..."
and fucking Williamsburg, i''m like never setting foot there again, cause everyone looks the same; pale shaggy haired thin ugly outfit. and yeah nothing feels like home.
yet there is soo much shit to do here, and i can understand why they move in but i hate the way they ruin it.

I don't know. does anyone know any cool, radical, diverse, laid back cities out there, that don't have the gross migration of just-out-of-liberal-arts-college hipsters?

yeah i know, i should talk. i am a liberal arts college middle class-background kid. but i don't move into areas because it's a "cool hip area" or because of "the buildings arhcitecture" or to push people out so my middle class friends can move in, when i do move somwhere its because its a place i can afford to live in.
if this meand that i will contribute to gentrification, than i will do my best to ally with my neighbors to fight against rent being raised, people and locally owned businesses being put out and etc.
if one contributes to gentrification than it's a fucking responsibilty to activley fight against it, with yer neighbors who didn't "chooose" to live in that area instead of the suburbs.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

NYC ABC Benefit!



A benefit for activists facing charges and political prisoners

brought to you by NYC Anarchist Black Cross Federation

Sunday, March 16th: EARLY-ISH SHOW!
6 pm, at Death By Audio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
(49 S. 2nd, L to Bedford or JMZ to Marcy)

WITH! Death Mold: NYC Spore Core. Members of Planned Collapse, ex Oi
Polloi, Dregs

Razor Bois: Hardcore Antifa Punk on tour from Moscow!

Perdition: Ex A.P.P.L.E. Noise Blast

Hipster Holocaust
: Hometown Hardcore Heroes

Fucked By The State: Fast and Loud, Political Punk

Vegan treats, zines, and more for sale. All ages, 21+ to drink at bar, No outside booze or drugs.

For the abolition of state repression and domination!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Criticisms of the Time Square Bombing

So it really bothers me that a lot of the criticism I have heard about the Time Square Bombing have been "oh it benefits the State more because the media gets to smear leftists/anarchists now, as a result and public opinion will be against us."

Um, since when has media and public opinion been "pro-anarchist"?

Like, honestly since when has it been a primary concern to impress the media? No matter how 'peaceful' (which has some how come around to mean docility) we are, the media will ALWAYS keep the image of anarchist being "terrorists" because thats whats benefiting to the state.

And as far as this particular action is concerned, the recruiting station was shut down for a day, that is time and money, the recruiting station has lost. So that, is not benefiting the state.

I support making criticisms of this action via safety of others or whatever, crticism is always good and constructive, but to say "oh the media won't like us, booo on direct action" is bullshit.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Briana Waters Trial

Hung Jury. however, she was found guilty of two counts, being a look out. Each which carry a mandatory minimum of 5 years, so thats 10 years total. Briana Waters maintains her innocence and will likely appeal.

Time Square Military Recruiting Station Bombed

Time Square Military Recruiting Station was bombed at 3:45 in the morning when the building was empty; no one was injured. The Building was shut down.

Police speculate it was done for political reasons. Some point at Grandmothers Against the War, and anti war activists. They also believe it is connected with the May 2005 bombing of the Mexican Consulate in response to the assassination of Brad Will, an anarchist activist.

Mayor of NYC Mike Bloomberg says "Whoever the coward was that committed this disgraceful act on our city will be found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law," he said. "We will not tolerate such attacks. .... People are going about their business. They are not intimidated."
But really, those pig motherfuckers have no idea who did it.

so apperantly I'm not the only one who thinks so too...

excellent article on Green is the New Red
by Will Potter on the Seattle Arson and the media's effect on the Briana Waters' Trial.

The jury is currently divided on Briana Water's trial. For those not familiar with Briana Waters she is a environmentalist that has been accused by snitches (who get shortened sentences by implicating her) of having a role in an ELF arson in the Center of Horticulture in the University of Washington. She is pleading innocent and facing a minimum of 35 years in prison. statement made by the Olympia Civil Liberties Union:
"One thing that is certain to those close to the case is that the arson Monday has only damaged Briana's chances of getting a fair verdict. The corporate media have consistently pointed out how curious the timing of the arson is, with the "UW Ecoterror Trial" still going on, further linking Briana with a shadowy ELF underground in the minds of the public. Anyone should have been able to predict the negative impact of an action like this on Briana's trial, and that just makes this whole event even more frustrating.

There are many reasons to view this fire and it's motivations as suspicious, and there is not yet any evidence that it was actually based on environmental motivations. The vast majority of arsons in this country are caused for run-of-the-mill reasons, and fraud or financial reasons are some of the biggest. The media seem all too happy to jump to conclusions about the people who started those fires based on the most preliminary investigations. Also there have often actions by agent provocateurs during political trials throughout history."

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Anti-Racist/ Feminist Zine

so i took like a million year hiatus from making zines.

But I'm back doin' it, slowly but surely...hopefully this will be long term and it won't just be an incomplete or pathetic one zine and then me pooping out. any who, recently at my school Knox College, (which believes itself to be the most radical place ever because it was founded by abolitionists) had a really racist article in the school newspaper. Which caused a lot of uproar because the administration failed to address the article and racism on campus (until they finally did). it was the tip of the iceberg because while Knox prides itself in being so diverse and welcoming a lot of students of color are often tokenized by teachers, marginalized by RA's as "troublemakers", and we feel the fucking stares, we hear the fucking comments, that people make. Especially because a lot of (white) people in this school admittingly come from suburban predominantly white backgrounds, when they come to Knox it's like the first time they seen a Black/Latino/Asian/ Middle Eastern/ etc person in their entire life. So FUCKED UP SHIT is said (for example in one ANSO class I had this one kid referred to Black people as "Negroes" because he thought "that's what they like to be called"). And it's especially shitty when people that claim to be activist, vehemently anti-racist, 'liberal', feminist, or radical SAY and DO fucked up things.

So me and my friend Nicole from my Woman Studies class or compiling a zine about feminism., racism. etc for our Action Project. and in light of the current situation at Knox, this is the first thing I wrote:

Tips for Anti-Racist White Allies.
(For those who care about deconstructing privilege and fighting internalized white supremacy)

1. Don’t tell me not to get emotional. I am not a child. I don’t have temper tantrums out of nothing. Getting angry, upset, sad, disappointed over a racist event taking place is a rational, validated reaction. I can’t not take racism personally because it affects me as a human being.

2. Don’t tell me that you have friends who are Black, Latino, Asian, etc to back up your racist views. I don’t care who you’re friends with. If I call you out on being racist, I’m not asking you if you are being racist, I am telling you your being racist.

3. Do go outside your comfort level. I went outside my comfort level by leaving a diverse community back home and going to a predominantly white school. So if I invite you over my Spanish-speaking household, don’t sit there all awkward like a chicken about to lay an egg. Interact with people, ask questions, make conversation, I’ll translate I promise.

4. Don’t make generalizations about other cultures. Um, I don’t care if you took a class, went to a country, or have a friend with the cultural background being discussed. In anthropology 101, first thing you learn is to not pass judgment on other cultures and to adopt the perspective of those within that culture.

5. You are not a feminist if you tell me Black, Latino, Middle Eastern, etc, men are inherently sexist. No, that just makes you a racist. No one is inherently anything! Besides white dudes can be just as sexist as men of color. If anything an argument can be made that sexism is expressed in different ways world wide. Sexism isn’t closed to any cultural group, most societies world-wide currently live in a patriarchy and the US and Europe sure as hell does.

6. We probably won’t fuck you if you fetishize us. Telling Asian women you have “yellow fever”, or commenting on the size of Black men’s penises, doesn’t translate to “I think you as a person, are attractive, I like you.” More so it says, I “view you as a sexual commodity.”

7. There is no such thing as “reverse racism”. First of all the term itself is racist, “reverse racism” means admitting that there is a “right way” to be racist (aka white supremacy). Racism is social, political, economic, systematic institution that is ingrained in our education system, our culture, science, EVERYTHING. This type of institution does not exist against whites as a socially stratified class the way it does to people of color. Prejudice, against anyone and everyone exists. So if you do experience discrimination because of white skin (which does happen, I’m not denying that) it is just that, discrimination/ prejudice. But it’s not founded on an overall system the way racism is.

there is so much more that can go into this list but, hey, zine for Action Project is due the 15th so I gotta hustle.

Military Scum

Marine, good ol' boy David Mortari throws helpless puppy off a cliff

so I guess killing and raping people isn't enough to be brave strong manly men, now they gotta get off killing puppies.


This is just further evidence that the military trains people to be these torture machine sadists who LIKE IT. See Abu Grhaib, Argentina's disappeared, Pinochet's regime in Chile, Guantanamo Bay, and Nazi Gemrany for further evidence of this. See the Stanford experiment, of people following orders, hurting others because they are told to, thus free of responsibility. No one forces any of these guys to kill and torture. To an extent it's a fucking willing action, choice.

Killing dogs isn't in the Marine job description, they do it because they want to.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Provocatuers maybe?

"The fires were reported at 4 a.m. and more than five hours later flames were still rising from a natural-gas pipeline which crews from Puget Sound Energy were working to control.

The damaged homes, all unoccupied, were included among Seattle Street of Dreams homes in the Quinn's Crossing development near Highway 522. The homes that burned were between 4,200 and 4,750 square feet in size, with prices up to nearly $2 million.

The Seattle Street of Dreams is a 30-year-old home-building home tour, intended to show luxury home-building and trends in architecture, interior design, home technology and landscaping. The destroyed homes were featured last June.

No injuries were reported in the three-alarm fire. A terrorism task force which includes police, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating. Investigators stopped short of blaming the ELF for today's fires, but acknowledged finding the sign with the group's initials."

So Briana Waters is on trial right now facing a minimum of 35 years and Tre Arrows trial is starting soon and now there is a supposed ELF action- um, coincidence much?

and did the homes belong to every day rich fuckers, or was it the homes of mcdonald, oil guzzling, rich fuckers? I mean i guess there's room for interpretation right there, but it does seem off that they would select random rich people's homes....kinda out of the ordinary.

Esp because people learned form the Jeff Luers trial not to blow shit up when there are people on trial.... it seems really off", for lack of better words.

June Jordan is the Shit

I just read "In Our Hands". Deep. Cried.
She is so right-on, about mamas and "women's work" being what has allowed, their children to go to school, be radicals, be revolutionaries. it reminds me of what Allison Crews from ( said, about teen mamas, "Girls like me have raised presidents. We've raised messiahs and musicians, writers and settlers. Girls like me won't compromise, and we won't fail". Except June Jordan is saying it about black women, latinas, working class women, and how our movements, or free time to think and act, is built on their backs.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Resist Psychic Death

so I was just looking at
a web page with the art work of this girl I used to talk to a lot while in high school and I was looking at her art, which had always moved me cause it''s awesome. And I felt nostalgia.
cause I remember liking creating shit.
Not being to burnt out to do anything.

I really want to grasp on to "life" back. take control of it, own it, do what I want with it. instead getting swept along with it like everyone else in this Prozac country.

I feel desperate. But apathetic at the same time. Because I don't see myself dropping out of school for the reasons mentioned before.

But if I could make my current situation better, it would be pleasing. cause currently I feel like the dude from Fight Club that fills his life with stuff to mask empy and not living.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Minor Existential Crisis

what am I doing here in Galesburg, in the assfuck middle of know where, 900 miles away from home?

cause my whole "live each day as though it were yr last" policy is not holding up right now. and I'm thinking, "how did I get here?"
Here as in having a million meetings, having a PLANNER, tiptoeing around passive aggressive people, having scheduled times to eat, and living this structured life. I HATE SCHEDULES.

I know, i sound/am a brat.
I am privileged to be on this computer and receiving a college education. I believe the statistic is that only 1 in 100 people world wide have access to both. and it also says even more about privilege the fact that i enough people that have access to both these things, that i would feel out of place if i DIDN'T have it.

I acknowledge this. I really do. and that is part of why I am here. because I was born in country where the majority of it'sp people can't even dream of doing what I am doing. because my mother, grandmother, most cousins, and family members in Peru never had this oppurtinity, to recieve this education and options to travel wherever i want. Because I know the pride that bring to my family, to know that "one of them" made it that far, I can't quit out.

cuz it's not just my ass and my pride, it's theirs. and I can do whatever the fuck i want with myself but when it's their hopes, expectations and dreams, I cannot/ will not fuck with that.

and I'm not bitching about it because "it's hard". It's challenging but I LIKE MY CLASSES so that's not the problem. I can't really pinpoint it either.

Thing is, I never wanted to go to college. ever. because I hate institutions and when I was in high school i felt like a stray dog with her tail between her legs. and college is different form high school, yeah i know. but it's not for me. It's not and I've known this for a long time. I knew this when I was filling out applications two years ago. I knew it when I dropped out of Earlham, I knew it when I was cutting classes at Queens, and I know it now when I'm getting A's on midterms and organizing events outta my ass.

Like, it's not worth debating because I'm NOT going to drop out or anything. I'm going to graduate and have the BS degree the end.

But what after that, become a social worker and have 2.5 kids and a white picket fence?
i feel that somehow that has pushed itself somehow, by conditioning me to structure via school.

like since when did I want a 'career'?

shit. I want change. and I thhough thats what I would try to do as soon as I got this whole school shit out of the way. but it seems fucking impossible because after the school shit theres the job shit. and I don't know.
I want the freedom to leave and go as I please. and when Im stuck in structural shit like shcool, monogamous relationships, etc I feel like I can't do that.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

well, fuck, it had to be my pen pal too.

so Chris McIntosh, dude I been writing to for a bit now, turns out to be a racist sexist shit. great.
i mean when i wrote to him he just said typical white-boy-not-aware-of- white skin-and-male-privilege things, which i thought if one just called him out on that's all that would be needed cause dude's an anarchist. But noooo he's a straight, flat out, white-power tattood turd.
here's Earth Liberation Prisoner Network's mesage:

Dear Friends

Just under two weeks ago ELP announced we were suspending from our prisoner lists the American prisoner Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh, who is currently imprisoned for a failed arson against a McDonalds restaurant. Following our investigation ELP has decided to permanently remove McIntosh from our lists and encourage others to do likewise. Our reasons for this decision are detailed below:

WARNING - The below statement contains direct quotations of some of the racist and sexist words that Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh has written to some of his supporters. If you are offended by racist or sexist language please do not read the below statement. We do not deliberately wish to offend anyone, but we are using McIntosh's own words to demonstrate his new found politics.

On the 8th of February 2008 a well known and highly respected former ALF prisoner contacted ELP to raise his concerns about the American prisoner Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh.

The former ALF prisoner supplied ELP with letters written by Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh to some of his supporters. In his letters McIntosh uses highly offensive racist language and referred to black people as "fucking mud people".

In his letters McIntosh talks about white supremacy and how he would be prepared to die for white supremacy. We understand he has also talked to other supporters about his belief in white supremacy.

In addition to this McIntosh also talks about Social Darwinianism (a racist/sexist corruption of Darwin's theory of evolution) and the superiority of white people. McIntosh states "Darwinistically speaking, niggers are natural slaves, so fucking one is like fucking a cow." (ELP again understands that McIntosh has also spoken to other supporters about his belief in Social Darwinianism).

McIntosh asked one female supporter if she'd ever had sex with a black man before referring to white women who have sex with black men as "whores". McIntosh described black men who have sex with white women as "dogs".

Continuing on his sexist line, McIntosh states he has returned to eating meat and asked a female supporter if she missed eating meat. He then stated when he was a vegetarian "I suffered because I loved the taste [of meat] - But maybe my being male with different hormones and drives separates our experiences there, once again Darwinistically speaking".

Because of his racist and sexist comments ELP decided to suspend Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh from our prisoner lists with immediate effect and publically request any other offensive material McIntosh had written. Our subsequent investigations have shown that:

1) McIntosh has adopted White Supremacist views whilst in prison. A number of people have contacted ELP saying that McIntosh has started to associate with a racist gang and has even gone as far as to get a racist 'white power' tattoo. In a letter to one of his supporters McIntosh enclosed a photo of himself and referred to his tattoo which was not visible in the photo. He told another supporter how he would show off his tattoo upon his release from prison.

2) McIntosh, through his Social Darwinian beliefs, thinks that 'might makes right', or as he puts it in one of his letters "supremacy to the strongest".

3) McIntosh has told at least one female supporter that it is okay for a man to rape a woman (under his 'might makes right' theme).

4) ELP has had it confirmed that since going into prison McIntosh has abandoned his vegetarian diet and has reverted to eating meat.

So on the grounds that McIntosh is a racist, sexist, meat eating, white supremicist, who believes it is okay for the strong to bully the weak and it is okay for a man to rape a woman, ELP is permanently ending our support for Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh. We denounce McIntosh as a racist, sexist, fascist. We encourage all other prisoner support campaigns to remove him from their lists and we warn all our supporters against supporting this man.

Please feel free to forward this e-mail.

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Thursday, January 31, 2008


i don't know how to be good to you
you're too close and you know it too
nobody has a good enough excuse
i'm just fucked up and so are you
i love you so much you could hurt me
so i do it first so you won't see me
laugh it off and i don't feel it
hard as rocks and nails underneath
hardly anyone is sincere
all i know is anger that is real
i barely know how true goodness feels
i don't even know how to feel
i know i built walls around
i'm begging you to knock them down
but yours are just as big and mean as mine
tight defenses and we draw the line

if you want to go just go
just go just go just go
and i'll watch you walk away
if you want to go just go
just go just go just go
and i'll watch you walk away
i'll die if you go
just go just go just go
and i'll watch you walk away

stop everything
stop all of these fucked up games
oh oh promise me we'll be good to each other
promise me i need it signed sealed and delivered
stop everything
or my heart will break
my pride isn't worth it
help me this is hurting

if you want to go just go
just go just go just go
and i'll watch you walk away
i'll die if you go
just go just go just go
and i'll watch you walk away

super girl
she isn't real
i thought i could fly alone
but i can't even get off the ground

i don't know what else to say
i don't want to push you away
and i need your help today
i can't get off the ground today

my life is the entire heavnes to betsy 'calculated' album.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

accidently deleted this one- Reflecting on the Green Scare


yesterday i went to the Greenscare protest, the 2nd year anniversary since Daniel McGowan's arrest.
in retrospect, I think I might have been in too good of a mood, and wouldnt blame anyone if that had pissed them off.

but yeah, a lot of people showed up, fliered a lot. some people seemed interested. other people were too busy with furcoats and sales and being tourists.

then went to the Bob Kohler political funeral. thought i have never met him in person I have heard he was real radical and did alot for HIV housing and queer communties of color. so that was cool. It was technically an unpermitted parade, so woot!

I dunno, on the way home I was just thinking of all the people I know and trust. and how unprepared I would be if anything like that ever happened to me. you never expect your friends to betray you i guess.
I mean there's some people I keep a a distance from if i dont trust them enough. but, like the people you trust with your life?
and have them betray you, the possibility doesn't even register as a real one.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Opening Letter to the Movement-By Chris McIntosh

Chris McIntosh is an ALF Political Prisoner who was sentenced 8 years in Prison for burning down an empty McDonalds in Seattle 2003. In a country where rapists, child molesters, and murderers get sentenced a minimum of 2 years, to have someone who has never killed anyone serve an 8 year sentence because of the politics behind his action is an outrage. Chris is my penpal, and is in great need of support. write to him at:
Christopher McIntosh #30512-013
FCI Fairton
PO Box 420
Fairton, NJ 08320

Open letter from Chris - January 2008

To the Movement at Large,

Y’know this past year has been pretty crazy for me – in prison you have a lot of time to think… to evaluate…and this is what I’ve done. I’m sure you are all aware that I held a hardline no compromise stance. For the longest time I was a “down for the shoot-out kid” and if you weren’t down for that well too, well then you weren’t down. And if you weren’t down to use violence, well then you weren’t serious and I believed you couldn’t be effective. For the longest time I felt the only way to give yourself for your collective was to die for it; to be an Achilles.

But who was Achilles? He was a hero and heroic but it wasn’t for the group, it was for his own glory that he died. These are the heroes you hear about. He wasn’t in the end there for his people when they may have needed him. I realize that the real heroes are no less heroic for sacrificing their glory in order to be there. I’ve come to the point where I don’t want to be an Achilles. I want to learn temperance and add it to my strength to be, as long as possible, a firm ground for my tribe to stand upon.

Now recently I’ve also come to the conclusion that I’ve held other people to my own flawed standards. I made harsh statements, against SHAC and others, that lacked love and temperance that are needed for us to be healthy and unified. In a way I was selfish and narrowminded to have held them to a standard gleaned from a path walked much different and with different circumstances than the one they may walk. To everyone who I’ve hurt by this unloving intemperance. My bad yo, and my apologies. I seek now to walk a true standard as a man who will be there for my people, and anyone who cares is my people. I hope to be a pillar of support for you. I don’t want to be a kamikaze any more. I don’t want the hate and anger it brings. Full on no compromise is power – you become powerful – but at the price of your humanity. I won’t pay that price any more.

When Free put out his statement about his seeking other avenues of resistance, I was like fuck that, never me. I was angry and blind to his perspective. But I started to think about it. We acted, but what did we change? We are two men locked up for long periods of time. Both with much larger visions now then when we came into the system, unable to do what we now know is what we have to do.

My vision is now larger than a handgun and going on a kamikaze mission. In fact, I don’t think this is where you should go. Free will be doing different things, as well as I. I want to bring conscious families together into an agrarian community. I want to bring children into the movement. I’m gonna choose the harder path than the easy way out. I’m gonna open my heart but not fear the loss of my strength. I start today by giving you my love and not my anger, my heart and not my fury.

Your brother,
Chris Crow